I'm glad to see that there are some new animators, but unfortunately there are a number of issues with some of the animations I've seen in this flash. First and foremost, however, I'd like to give kudos to liuzirui1122 for his fluid movement and attempts at trying something different, as seen in part 17, rather than just sticking to the "point A to point B while rushing through X enemies". Aside from him, however, the rest of you have the potential to hone your skills and do something great with Madness, and hopefully you'll be able to use this as a stepping stone to move onto bigger and better things. However, there are two general problems that I've seen not only here but in a number of collaborations, supported by the fact that certain animators are simply stuck at their current level of skill. Fear and ego are two dangerous factors to have and will either slow down your progress completely or even lead to worse displays of animation. For example, Juanford66 has changed, let alone improved, his style very little since I first noticed him. The gun movement is extremely unrealistic, he rarely decides to flip his characters' perspective (from viewing left to right, vice versa, this is a problem with others too as it leads to rushing through a scene and an ultimately boring fight), and it's not satisfying to watch his parts. He can improve, everyone can, but the biggest factor holding you back is the fear to try something new, to scrap everything you know and start fresh. Secondly, if anyone were to hypothetically respond with something like "My style is amazing, it's my own and that's why it's good! There's nothing wrong with it because it's my style!", they deserve a swift slap to the head. You may develop your own style of art and animation, but it's not "good" because you say it is, a style is good because it is visually appealing to the viewers of your animation or art. Sure, opinions may differ, but it's important to avoid the "this is epicz/awesums!" comments, suck up your ego when someone tells you that you're shit and put in every bit of your effort if you want to improve. From my experience, the only way I've been able to improve is constantly say to myself "This isn't good enough, I'm shit, I need to try harder and IMPROVE", accept the harsher criticism full hearted and thank away the nicer comments. In the end, I've encountered two types of animators; ones who are open to criticism and changing what they do, and others who will retaliate defensively and almost instantaneously at the first sight of criticism. Unless you've have some God-given gift at animating, ego is your worst enemy, and even then it can lead to a very negative reputation. So to wrap it up, drop your fear, don't let your ego build up, accept criticism and act as if it's right even though you don't 100% agree with it, otherwise you'll be stuck in your ways for the rest of your time as an animator. Good luck on improving, you all have quite a bit of potential, but you just need to get over a few bumps in the road. Afterwards, you'll be able to fine tune your style, art and animation, but patience is truly a virtue.